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Cuddle, Touch, Healthy Communication and Wellness Training Programs Resource Page

Practitioner Training and Certification Programs

Consent Workshop - free from Certified Cuddlers

Cuddle Party Facilitator Training

Cuddle Sanctuary

Certified Cuddlers

Cuddlist Training - Trained Cuddlist and Certified Cuddlist.

Foundations of Facilitation (pre-req for Cuddle Party Facilitors)

Wheel of Consent - Free videos and content from Betty Martin

Cuddle Career from Sam Varnerin - how to run a cuddle business. Free email newsletter and blog.

Other training you may find beneficial

Chapman Institute for worksite Wellness Coordinators

Therapeutic Touch International - focused on touch in the medical and patient setting. Very different mindset from cuddling although seeking similar outcomes. Almost a cross between reiki and cuddling (although they don't like to be compared to either). Good for those who may need a different framework/language for touch practice.

Like a Pro - Wheel of Consent for professionals. Betty Martin

Our Whole Lives sexuality education program

School of Consent - Betty Martin

Jerk Proof Your Relationships from Kassandra Brown. Includes Deep Listening training.

Asking for What You Want - online courses and coaching from Marcia B.

Creating Consent Culture

The MindLight - Trauma Healing

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