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Cuddle, Touch, Healthy Communication and Wellness Book and Program List Resource Page

| Attitude | Cuddling | Communication | Trauma | Wellness |


The Art of Authenticity: How to be you by Mary Sorensen. Working through assumptions and consciously choosing the foundations of your life.

Happy While Hermitting - Samantha Varnerin.

Easy Way by Allen Carr How to create your own mind shift and mental reframing to help address addictive behaviors around smoking, alcohol, overeating and any other area you are struggling with.    Easy Way to Stop Smoking.    Lose Weight Now The Easy Way.

Rejection Proof by Jia Jiang. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Learn how to manage rejection without letting it throw you out of the ring. Rejection practice.

The Tapping Solution with Jessica Ortner. Tapping is a method for self meditation, self soothing and bringing yourself back to your body using meridian point tapping and a self affirmation ritual.

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh has written multiple books on mindfulness and maintaining a healthy mindset for living.
Essential Writings - Thich Nhat Hahn
Excerpt from Essential Writings - Meditation on Death: Realizing Ultimate Reality, The Wave is Not the Water.

| Attitude | Cuddling | Communication | Trauma | Wellness |


Touch: The Power Of Human Connection - Samantha Hess.

Beyond Cuddle Party - Monique Darling

The Book of Cuddles by Yoni Alkan. Demonstrates cuddle positions and cuddling.

The Cuddle Sutra book of cuddle positions and cuddling.

Somebody Hold Me: The Single Person's Guide to Nurturing Human Touch by Epiphany Jordan.

| Attitude | Cuddling | Communication | Trauma | Wellness |


The Art of Receiving and Giving: The Wheel of Consent from Betty Martin

Creating Consent Culture

The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. The 5 Love Languages book on Amazon. We have different ways of expressing and recognizing love. It is important to understand how you and the people in your life feel love.

More than Two. by Franklin Veaux. Polyamory and ethical non-monogamy. Includes a Glossary of polyamory terms.

Rejection Proof by Jia Jiang. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Learn how to manage rejection without letting it throw you out of the ring. Rejection practice.

Speak Peace In a World of Conflict - Marshall Rosenberg. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED book on Non-Violent Communication. Note: Audiobook version is not recommended.
There are also events and resources at The Center for Non-Violent Communication.

Wheel of Consent by Betty Martin. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Learn the basics of how to negotiate healthy consensual exchange. Giving/Taking vs. Accepting/Allowing. Resource list.

| Attitude | Cuddling | Communication | Trauma | Wellness |


The Body Keeps the Score- Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.

| Attitude | Cuddling | Communication | Trauma | Wellness |


The Art of Authenticity: How to be you by Mary Sorensen. Working through assumptions and consciously choosing the foundations of your life.

Easy Way by Allen Carr How to create your own mind shift and mental reframing to help address addictive behaviors around smoking, alcohol, overeating and any other area you are struggling with.    Easy Way to Stop Smoking.    Lose Weight Now The Easy Way.

The Gabriel Method by Jon Gabriel. Full body health and wellness. Not just diet. The Gabriel Method book on Amazon

Rejection Proof by Jia Jiang. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Learn how to manage rejection without letting it throw you out of the ring. Rejection practice.

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh has written multiple books on mindfulness and maintaining a healthy mindset for living.
Essential Writings - Thich Nhat Hahn
Excerpt from Essential Writings - Meditation on Death: Realizing Ultimate Reality, The Wave is Not the Water.

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